Give yourself time to think about it and realize it.". This is fascinatingly insightful. remember how much you've been forgiven. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another. So tarnished by my sin and shame; At one point I even had to remove a poorly-hung section of paper and go to the store to buy more. We plead with enthusiasm, "Bring Them In" and later gripe about the repeated call for Sunday school bus drivers. But in this context he is telling us to put on certain characteristics that will prepare us for peace, not war. Perhaps they’ve gotten a taste of some fleeting pleasure offered by the world and they’ve been spending all their time pursuing it. It means to be lowly. Every throw of the stone was planned, and at last the treasured toy was brought back to his waiting hands. This is what Paul desired for the Ephesian believers, for he prayed that they might know "what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places" (Eph. He also assured Bill that he forgave him for his offenses. Does my fellowship with Christ shine through in my demeanor? If we are in Christ, if we have become Christians, a change has taken place. And thus he passed through life lubricating all hard places and making it easier for those who came after him. Singing and praying and working, In the heart of the deed so fair. We are to allow God's Word to teach us, to counsel us as we teach and admonish one another. As you read Colossians 3:12-25-note, try including the word today with each verse. We love the hymn, "Holy Bible, Book Divine" but spend most of our time reading newspapers and periodicals. Never forget that God is working with you. 13:5-6). He was a man who believed in doing his best, no matter what the task. Our Daily Bread, September 26, We all . It is the kind of love that God has for the world (John 3:16) and is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). When we do this, God works on our behalf. Unless and until our sin-tarnished souls are cleansed by Jesus' forgiveness, God's image is obscured in our lives. Please see below for details. They testified concerning his great power and might and their realization that the Lord was with him. Perhaps you have let yourself be comfortable in the barnyard of the world—refusing to claim your lofty position as God’s child. Along with the specific instructions given to wives, husbands, children, and fathers (vv.18-21), include the word today. He is suggesting that a standard has been pushed aside. This is mercy or sympathy. Mister Rogers showed us how we can do that in our own neighborhood. Meekness, from a biblical perspective, is strength under control. We should honestly say, “It’s for the Lord!” - R.W.D. In chapter one, Paul commended the Colossians for their faithful witness. If we participate with a genuine desire to hear God speak to us through the Scriptures, we will surely come away with our hearts filled. --DJD When we disobey God and get into trouble, we tend to blame God for making His way too narrow. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS and Church Supplies of $50 or more. Whether songs of praise, worship, adoration, or dedication, they should emanate from the heart. New King James Version Notes, Thomas Nelson, p. 1212 (BIBLE.ORG), Many couples are united in wedlock in a rosy fog of optimism. In wisdom we are to teach and admonish one another. But not one man . As I walked away, I was struck with the stark reality of how Christian credibility is lost when our behavior reveals that we are controlled by sinful desires rather than the Holy Spirit. In a consumer-oriented culture, it’s easy to be seduced into thinking that we can “buy” acceptance by wearing the things that beautiful people wear. —D. Each person who trusts Christ as Saviour has "put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him" (v. 10). Getting little or no benefit from a worship service is somewhat like going into a huge department store and coming out with a 99-cent item. Is appointed as your share. SARAH W.STEPHEN. Introduction. Love grows not only by what we do but also by our reason for doing it (Colossians 3:23). That change is not something we have done. But as history rolls on, we also know that the greatest of human work will eventually become dust and ashes. A person who is kind has good things to say about others, is considerate of the feelings of others. that makes our testimony ring true. . Has light filled the darkness of your soul? Therefore, in Him we are accepted and forgiven by God (Eph 1:6, 7-note). He is talking about the kind of harmony that should exist among those people who really love the Lord, among those people in whom the Holy Spirit is living. In Nomine Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.". Servants, obey... , fearing God (Colossians 3:22-note). He told her he felt like a pump, and his people so constantly pumped him that he was running dry. Rather, our work can be good and redemptive. How is my life helping to spread the gospel? The apostle Paul said that we died with Christ (Col 2:20-note; Col 3:3-note), and we were also raised with Him (Col 3:1-note). COLOSSIANS 3:23 - "KEEP THE WORKDAY HOLY". are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory. Remember that love is the sash or belt that binds all of these garments together. III. --M R De Haan II. When freely rendered in Christ's name. As he was mortally wounded, he knew there was no hope for him anyway. If we're working for a critical, ungrateful boss, we'll tend to put forth minimum effort. In today's Scripture reading, God told the people of Israel, who were captive in Babylon, to "seek the peace of the city," and to "pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace" (Jer 29:7). First, unconfessed sin; second, worry; third, the permission of an unrebuked selfish principle. No effort I must shirk; Husband’s Responsibilities - Paul tells the husband to love his wife (Eph. --EDWARD B. PUSEY, Read: Colossians 2:20, 21, 22, 23, Col 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Christa McAuliffe was one of the seven astronauts who lost their lives in the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986. 119:165). The most deceptive liars are those who live on the edge of truth. One of his contacts was an old friend. Does that question ever haunt you? His work was his ministry, and he loved his work; my, did he love his work. The third may seem the best that can be hoped for. Profane and vulgar language is noise pollution of the worst kind. But that would be like faulting the tunnel for our own careless driving. The apostle Paul encouraged believers by writing, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Col. 3:16-note). A significant test to apply to determine the origin of the peace is this: If I have peace in my heart about a matter, do I also have peace with others in the Body of Christ concerning it? His love will not fail us, He’ll guide with His eye; Let's take time often to recall how God has rescued us from eternal death and has given us eternal life through His Son. People called him eccentric, queer, and cranky; but the old man went steadily on refilling his can of oil when it became empty, and oiled the hard places he found. Like dewdrops falling from heaven. Like the eagle, it’s not too late to soar to greater heights again. Only to the extent that we serve and forgive can we become like Jesus. De Haan. Beginning now in chapter 3, Paul gives some basic and practical admonitions that pertain to living a life in Christ 3. A significant and often overlooked way that we serve God is in our everyday tasks. They who tread the path of labor Some who do wrong may have a peace about it, but it does not come from God. The Greek word means arbitrate. His joy you'll find as you obey. It was then brought to David's attention that Jonathan had a crippled son, Mephibosheth (v. 3). Daily work takes on eternal value when it's done for God. 4:24-25): it is to be the pattern of our holy life (Rom. but we cannot love without giving. In spite of the warn­ings, however, several skiers went into the area. Imagine the impact it could have in our homes, in private conversations, and in worship together. Outwardly, we seem busied for the most part about common things, with trivial duties, worthless tasks. It's not wrong to seek work that fits our skills and interests. Though being questioned about my fashion choices may feel like an affront to my good taste, I have realized that her correcting influence is always an upgrade. That's the way the world sees meekness, as weakness. Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. There are great numbers who go through the motions of religion, claiming to honor the risen Christ, and yet they don't really believe in Him, either in the significance of His death or in the literalness of His resurrection. He is our Life, the living Fountain rising up in the well of our personality. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. If you sense your spiritual well drying up, drive your pipe deeper. When it seems you can't forgive, This paragraph is a generic exhortation to seek the things above. Here in Colossians 3 verses 12-17 we are given clear and cogent instruction on what the new person in Christ looks like. But press to realms on high. Forgiveness is God's command to us and is part of a life of love, peace, thankfulness, and praise (Col 3:14, 15, 16-note). It's not handed out because of a traffic violation, but it's used to determine the amount of toll to be paid on the basis of the distance traveled. We can succumb to selfish, earthbound thoughts, blurring our view of anything beyond the end of our nose. But experience teaches us that a pilot who keeps his eye on the hazard will sooner or later hit it dead center. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. - F B Meyer. SHOW LOVE. I would appreciate it if you would read just that one verse to me." So long as we are pilgrims and strangers, with no settled piece of land to call our own, with no stake in the country, with no accumulation in the bank, we reach out our hands towards the city that hath foundations (Heb 11:10, 11, 12, 13-note). "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them" (Ps. I expect to see every shoe I have ever repaired in a big pile at the judgment seat of Christ, and I do not want the Lord to say to me in that day, ‘Dan, this was a poor job. We completed the project, but not without a great deal of difficulty. What positive, God-honoring actions can you concentrate on doing instead? As Christians, whatever we do, let's remember the workday, to keep it holy.- Haddon W. Robinson. This means that we are to submit ourselves one to another. 1-800-HOW'S MY TESTIMONY? —Anon. A career military officer confesses to wearing combat decorations he did not earn. Select an option and chat directly with a member of our support team. Our work is one way to fulfill our dual purpose: to love God and others. Then he took the tongs and carefully picked up one burning ember from the flames and placed it on the hearth. It is the same word used in Ephesians 6:14 where the Scripture tells us to put on the armor of God before we do spiritual warfare. Turning my head to one side, my eyes focused on some blades of grass within inches of my face. - LORENZO SCUPOLI, To "do all things in the name of Jesus" is the lesson of a life; do not be angry with yourselves, nor despair of ever learning it, because thou art slow to learn the first few syllables. The Lord Jesus cares about what we wear, too, but His concern is our spiritual apparel. Once wandered o'er earth as the poorest of them; Although not in the limelight, Mary, through her attitude and actions, witnessed to hundreds of people every day. F B Meyer. Let those who are tempted believe this, and assert it in the face of the tempter, counting upon the Holy Spirit to make their reckoning a living experience. Are you working "below the flight deck"? So I asked her if she and the Lord were doing this job together. With that attitude, we can work enthusiastically and wholeheartedly, not just for a paycheck but for the glory of God. A bad example undermines good words. We know, to be sure, that we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), but that image has been defaced by our sin. After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, David asked, "Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake?" It causes us to be mindful of the fact that we are called Christians, and that our actions reflect to the world the reality of Christ. You brush away the mental cobwebs and think through the day. When I told my wife about Mary, she said, "I think she's one of those who seem to be last here on earth but will be first when they get to heaven." the love of Christ shines through you. - THOMAS À. KEMPIS, Do what is pleasing to Jesus Christ, and neglect nothing which pleases Him. While driving along a highway, I have often seen vultures soaring high overhead, swooping down, and then rising up again with the air currents. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!”. When thou hast learned to do all things to Jesus, it will shed pleasure over all dull things, softness over all hard things, peace over all trial and woe and suspense. No package went out of that shop without a printed message wrapped inside. In that process, Paul tells us, there is no longer any identity that matters, except for Christ, who is all and in all. When you are focused upon praising God, upon worshiping Him, upon thanking Him for all He has done for you, it will keep you in His presence, mindful of His mercy and His grace, mindful of your own unworthiness. But now He is reigning forever on high, There's nothing at all you can do." (From Back to the Bible), COLOSSIANS - BY MARY WILDER TILESTON (See 2Corinthians 5:14-note), When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Words that condemn others can inflame anger and destroy relationships. That advice echoes what the apostle Paul said in Colossians 3. The God of our salvation. Clothing ourselves in Jesus’ likeness begins with spending time with Him. God is looking for obedience, The two responsibilities the husband has in the family are to dwell with his wife according to knowledge and to render to his wife the honor which is due her because she is his wife. He transforms us to make us like Himself (2Corinthians 3:18). The mummy of the king is en-closed in a beautifully inscribed, gold-covered sarcophagus. When presented with the need, the man said, “Well, Andrew, seeing it’s you, I’ll give you five dollars.” “No,” said Fuller, “I can’t take your money for my cause, seeing it is for me,” and he handed the money back. Be faithful today–do your work faithfully, thoroughly, honestly, and gratefully. It must be remembered that we are not robots, operated by push buttons. Keep your honor, your distance, and your close touch with God. Look in verses 12b-14. Three rows of "turnips"--turn up for church, turn up with a new idea, turn up with the determination to do a better job today than you did yesterday. Perfect love casts out fear (1John 4:18). He wants you to live in a higher realm. Hidden with holy care If we genuinely care about people, we won't need to try to impress them at any cost. But he didn't begin his career with such success. When you love someone, you do both. This is true of marriage, but it is even more important in our relationship with God. "O God, make me like Christ.". It's not the hours you put in that count, By yielding to the Holy Spirit, we can have such a strong assurance of doing the Father's will that we'll be able to engage in every endeavor with zest and enthusiasm. --1Corinthians 10:31, On the 80th birthday of the famous musician and conductor Arturo Toscanini, someone asked his son what he considered to be his father's greatest achievement. CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible (Hardcover), by Calvin Wittman on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. You lie in bed, thinking. One day the farmer was visited by a shepherd who came down from the mountains where the eagles lived. This short-range focus not only strained my eyes, but it blurred my view of anything beyond the end of my nose. It's impossible to hold on to anger when our hands are full of gratitude.—D J De Haan, COLOSSIANS 3:15- THE ARBITER IS PEACE - Elisabeth Elliot. Yes, I'm saved, but do I know Him And because God makes no distinctions between the categories mentioned in verse 11, neither should we who know Jesus Christ as Saviour. Let’s set our sights on the heights! Whereas in Ephesians we are putting on the armor for war, here we are dressing ourselves for a peaceful existence with other Christians. There is nothing wrong in having a team of oxen; on the contrary, it is a great and noble thing to plough up the virgin soil, and to make corn grow for the sustenance of the toiling millions of our fellow men. Colossians 3:13: Forbearance: Our Daily Walk. But let's make this even more practical. They may not give an absolute negative to the invitations of Christ, but their urbane and polite excuse covers a practical refusal--"I pray Thee have me excused.". If we lose our temper over trifles, or yield to uncharitable speech, it shows that we have omitted to put on the girdle of love; if we yield to pride, avarice, envy and jealousy, we must not simply endeavour to put off these evils, but take from the wardrobe the opposite graces. Meals must be cooked, trash must be collected, assembly lines must be manned, and children attended to. —Schutz This is not singing from our hearts. Sometimes we are known by the clothes we wear, but we can make Jesus known by wearing attitudes and actions that reveal His presence in our lives. Our Master demands that we should always do and be what is right. Christ's death and resurrection eliminated the need for daily sacrifice. In a board meeting with this godly leader some of us expressed concern about what this other person was doing to him. In each of us may be a sea of glass, reflecting on its pellucid and tranquil bosom the untroubled calm and rest, which are unspeakable because eternal and Divine. The boss may sign our paycheck, but the Savior issues our reward (Col 3:24-note). Their foolishness and their unteachability never drive it to cynicism or despair; their insults and their ill-treatment never drive it to bitterness or wrath" (The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [Louisville: Westminster, 1975], p. 158). They’re lovely. –DJD An experience in the life of English preacher and theologian Andrew Fuller illustrates this truth. It just takes time,” Marietta replied. There's nothing really important—just the routine. His widow, Joanne, told a journalist: "I always remind people that he was an ordained Presbyterian minister and this was his ministry. By, Your Spirit teach us to adorn our lives with the, attitudes and actions You have designed for us as a. public statement about our identity with You. Tweet; Share; We have now spent a month and a half inside of Colossians and we’ve pretty much been going in the same direction all along. If we are motivated by love for God, obedience to His Word, and a burning desire to glorify the heavenly Father (Col. 3:22, 23), our works will have an imperishable value and we will receive God's approval (1Co 3:14; 9:24, 25). Deuteronomy 7:7-8a: "The Lord was devoted to you and chose you, not because you were more numerous than all peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. Lord, help us see how much we need each other Betty Greene, pilot during World War II and later with Mission Aviation Fellowship, told me, “I made up my mind if I was to ‘make it in a man’s world,’ I had to be a lady.” A true lady is recognized and respected by men. (Col 3:5-17-note). If Christians could simply picture themselves in the presence of God, where His holiness, might, splendor, and glory were on display, there would never be any lack of unity or peace between them. – P R Van Gorder, I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord.. --Psalm 122:1. There are men, your brothers, and women, your sisters; they have needs that you can aid. His works hang in many aviation galleries in the United States, including the Smithsonian Institution. Does it seem that day after day you slave away at a humdrum job, performing repetitious tasks? Find Colossians 3:13 Sermon Illustrations, browse preaching ideas and sermon stories on Colossians 3:13 This is longsuffering, especially in the face of injury or insult. --M R De Haan II. That's why Paul says in Colossians 3:1, 2, "If ye, then, be risen with Christ, set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.". —David C. McCasland. —Studies by a number of psychologists show that it is not great riches that make people happy, but friends and forgiveness. But Solomon was not talking about fashion. But, we ask, how? When we receive Christ, God's work isn't over-- Feb 18, 2007. Let us be kind. In this city Protestants live on the east bank and … When the cause of truth is assailed, or the rights of others invaded, we must stand up boldly and strongly for Righteousness. — by Joe Stowell, Lord, help us to see ourselves the way You see us. With words that soothe and heal and mend. 9:7). Then, with a smile on his face, the man said, "Thanks for the sermon, pastor. All rights reserved, Choose Book of Bible to StudyGenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SolomonIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Colossians 1 Sermon Illustrations - Our Daily Bread, Colossians 2 Sermon Illustrations - Our Daily Bread, Colossians 3 Sermon Illustrations - Our Daily Bread, Colossians 4 Sermon Illustrations - Our Daily Bread, Additional Sermon Illustrations on Colossians from Our Daily Bread, Colossians 1 Devotionals - Today in the Word, Colossians 2 Devotionals - Today in the Word, Colossians 3 Devotionals - Today in the Word, Colossians 4 Devotionals - Today in the Word, Additional Resources on Colossians - Multiple Sermons, Commentaries. In 1975, John Molloy wrote a book called Dress For Success, which became the fashion guidebook for many people trying to climb the corporate ladder. --Sper After all, He's the One you're really serving (Col. 3:23-note). Conversation punctuated by cursing, swear words, and crude and dirty expressions obscures the beauty of noble ideas. The world thinks little of meekness, yet it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. Before long it was cold and dead. Because of the accumulated grime, Her Majesty's image couldn't be seen clearly. That's what it means to do something in the name of Christ - to do it on His behalf, under His authority, and according to His will. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Nothing seems to satisfy them more than feasting on what is sinful, corrupt, and immoral. Then turn and follow You. Such repose is attained through the continual progress of a life of grace, as it gradually overcomes the restlessness of nature, the excitements of self, the disturbance of temper or passion, the fruitless impatience of the will. Confess your sins, and “seek those things which are above.” You will soon be longing to rise above the mundane things of this world. These same traits as faults are revealed in my interviews, a scientist, and it is given a. Woman who has no children at home and love church with a smile on his.. Having a wrong way to `` bury the hatchet '' with the word of God 's Spirit say... Every year I dutifully start putting them away at a memorial statement that Jonathan had a Son. In Eph 2:1-10-note and Ro 6:1ff-note right to colossians 3 sermon illustration you for hurting me. then it spread wings... During the early morning to the power of choice, and crude and dirty expressions obscures beauty. 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colossians 3 sermon illustration